DJ Lord’s Annual GoHard Experience Tour Returns This Year.

Dj Lord launched the maiden edition of his self-hosted event dubbed ‘The Go Hard Experience’ about four years ago. Early 2019, he took it a notch higher and made it a club and pub tour which saw him playing at about five different clubs and pubs within the capital. Every venue saw party going ballistic with every song the extremely decorated Disc Jockey dropped.

It comes as no surprise therefore, that fans requested a sequel and as a man of the people, Dj Lord together with his team are pumped-up to bring to you ‘Go Hard Experience-The Tour Edition 2’.
While the first edition was a success, the second aims to be bigger, better and even more explosive as the number of tour venues have increased to eight; eight locations spread across the month of October and November 2020.

The first venue for the second phase of the Go Hard Experience is The Resurgence, an event being held at the Oliver Twist Shack. Oliver Twist since it’s emergence on the entertainment scene has treated patrons to many fun times. ‘The Resurgence’ represents the new era of the pub.

Oliver Twist is situated at Mamprobi and can easily be found on Google Maps as well as the various taxi apps. With the ambience, budget-friendly menu, and music from an array of Dj’s together with the guest Dj of the night, Dj Lord, Oliver Twist Shack is the place to be on Friday, October 2.

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