Do famous musicians get special treatment at Casinos?

We love watching celebrity lives. Especially when our favourite celebs jet-set around the world and drink champagne in far-flung, glamorous locations.

And some of the world’s most lavish destinations are casinos. Where famous people throw money around and stay in suites bigger than most of our departments! But, do these famous faces get special treatment at casinos? Or, are they just like the rest of us when it comes to gambling their hard-earned cash?

Today, we’re going to take a look at 3 famous musical acts that love gambling. And see if they get special treatment when they take a seat at a casino table.

P Diddy

The world-famous rapper, previously called Puff Daddy, is a keen blackjack fan. And it’s said that he often plays blackjack, both in person and at online casinos with the best online casino bonuses, while he tours.

And back in 2002 Atlantic City casino, Harrah’s, asked P Diddy to perform at their opening ceremony. Of course, being a blackjack player, Mr Diddy was happy to help. And, not only did he get paid a massive amount of money, he also had the honour of being the first person to ever play at the casino’s brand-new blackjack tables.

Now, it’s rumoured that P Diddy regularly asks for blackjack tables to be set up backstage for him while he tours. So that he can fit in a few rounds of his favourite casino game in between gigs. We think he should probably just opt for online sites instead. As you can get an online casino bonus, and online blackjack tables take up less room!

So, it seems that this is one celeb who definitely gets special treatment when it comes to playing at casinos.


Another rapper, you probably remember Nelly from his duet with Kelly Rowland, ‘Dilemma’. Which was one of the biggest songs of the year in 2002.

But, did you know that Nelly is also a massive fan of poker? In fact, Nelly has travelled the USA playing his favourite game. And attended the World Series of Poker in 2007. Plus, he apparently also plays online, so that he can pick casino offers like a welcome bonus. Which makes the star far more relatable, as online casinos don’t know he’s a celeb!

Also, in 2020, the rapper got into an argument with a fellow player while playing poker at a casino in Connecticut. It seems that the two men got heated, and the other player invited Nelly to ‘get under my nuts’.

Then, in a video of the incident, Nelly complains to the management. But, it seems that they don’t take kindly to customers shouting on the casino floor. Thus, they don’t do anything to help Nelly. And he makes the decision to leave by himself.

So, it seems that in this case, being a celeb did Nelly no favours. And he was treated just like any other casino player.

Harry Styles

As part of the hugely successful boy band, One Direction, Harry styles got to travel the world. And visit lots of exotic places, where young women screamed and threw themselves at his feet! But, even though he’s one of the most famous people on the planet, Harry Styles had an embarrassing encounter when he and his bandmates went to Las Vegas.

The One Direction lads headed to a famous casino in Sin City. But they were denied entry because they were under the legal drinking and gambling age of 21! So, in the end, they had to leave. And they didn’t get to play any casino games at all.

We think they should have played online instead. Because you can get the best casino bonuses. Plus, in the UK (where the band is from), you only need to be 18 to play.


All in all, it seems that famous musicians can certainly get star treatment at casinos around the world. Not to mention the best casino bonuses, like massive suites, free drinks and lots of fans cheering them on.

However, it also appears that casinos often treat celebs just like you and me. Just look at Harry Styles! Turned away for being underage. And Nelly, who got no help when he complained to the management. In fact, he got in more trouble than the guy he was playing against.

But, everyone receives equal treatment when you play online. And you can also pick up the best casino bonuses. Which you won’t get at a land-based establishment. So, if you want to find your next great casino online, we recommend using a guide. So that you can get your hands on an amazing bonus, and make yourself feel like a celebrity!

One of the most popular bonus guides online is the gambling portal So check them out, to find your next great casino and bonus. Who knows? You might end up playing a game with Harry Styles. Although, he’s 28 now. So Vegas has probably let him back in!


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