Enjoy Our COVID-19 Isolation Ghana Smashers On Spotify.

The world since December had been anxious and filled with excitement as we all awaited the dawn of a new era, the beginning of a new decade.

Little did we know that there was going to be a pandemic which will bring the world to a standstill; the coronavirus officially known as Covid-19.

Covid-19 is a respiratory infection which targets the upper respiratory tract. It is highly infectious as it can be transferred from one person to the other directly or indirectly which is why in efforts to prevent the further spread of this disease, social isolation has been advised.

Fact is, knowing you have to do your best to stay indoors in these trying times could be depressing; lectures have been suspended, your various nightlife destinations have closed down until further notices, ‘Netflix and Chill’ will get boring because really, there is no one to chill with and fourteen(14) days will appear longer than necessary but over here at DCLEAKERS, we have your best interest at heart; a Covid-19 ‘Isolation Ghana Smashers’ playlist to keep you company because music is that one friend who will never leave you.

On this invigorating playlist, you will find twenty-seven (27) carefully selected music brewed in Ghana with titles which subtly touch on the seriousness of the virus and the rate at which it is spreading, how to stay safe to prevent catching this deadly disease amongst others.

Life has been halted for some time, but there is no reason to mope around your house; with DCLEAKERS Covid-19 Playlist, the fun is brought to you in the comfort of your home. Stay safe, stay hydrated, stay optimistic.

Enjoy below.

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