Ghana DJ Awards Introduces New Category To Recognize DJs Under 17

With more kids rising and excelling in Disc Jockeying, the board of the prestigious Ghana DJ Awards scheme has unanimously approved for the introduction of a new category ahead of the 2020 edition specially dedicated to young prolific DJs.

The new category dubbed ‘Young DJ of the Year” seeks to specifically award DJs aged 16 years and below who are doing phenomenal in the DJing space.

With the introduction of the new category; and the further introduction of an age bracket, a DJ below 18 years cannot be nominated for the Overall Best DJ of the Year category.

It may be recalled that 12-year-old DJ Switch won the Overall Best DJ of the Year during the 2019 edition. This generated heated debate among industry players and music lovers in Ghana and beyond. A section of the public challenged the decision of the board, considering the young DJ’s age; though it was agreed that her achievement merited the award.

The board firmly believes that the Young DJ of the Year category will help identify and throw the spotlight on DJs aged 16 and below. This would also help establish the ideology that DJing is a worthy profession that can be nurtured from a young age.

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