Purple Wars All Women’s Cypher


The all women’s cypher is our way of creating space for ourselves in a male dominant hip hop scene and charting our own path as far as production and direction goes. This is creative produced and directed by PurpleLovesBlue, who is an artistic visionary when it comes to indie women in rap and music, together with Lyrical Wars, a well respected platform in the battle rap and cypher game. DJ’d by DJMJ and hosted by Dabi Diamond. The artists are Edna FG, Elsie Raad and Ms Fu. All beats are original and were produced by Ghanaian, British sound engineer, Anae Music.

The missions were to simply work with some of Ghana’s best women rappers and illuminate their significance in a space and genre that are largely dominated by men. Their lyricism conveys an insight and intelligence, which can only be heard through their voices. Their work is so crucial to the culture of rap and hip-hop and their perspective is needed.

The recording and its visuals is a ground-breaking masterpiece set to uplift up and coming Women lyricists and to also serve as a stepping stone for existing women talents to take up the center stage of the hip-pop genre on the continent of Africa and beyond.

With her understanding of survival, Edna FG brings an unadulterated rawness to this cypher that you simply cannot manufacture. She sets the bar high when she’s on stage or in the studio and anyone who dares share the space with her is forced to rise to the occasion. Elsie can rap at a pace comparable to Twista, which we all know is no easy feat. She brings a calm and confident fluidity to the cypher dynamics with her lyricism and her delivery. Fu adds a playful and clever poise to the cypher through her witty lyricism. She has a classic hip-hop flavor that woos her listeners and fans with the delivery of every line. She is hypnotizing.

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