“You Deserve to be Adored” – Y’akoto Advices On Toxic Relationships

On June 7, Ghanaian singer Y’akoto unveiled her latest single, titled “WMYT” (What Made You Think), marking another milestone in her music career. With her strong vocals and introspective lyrics, Y’akoto, known for her soulful R&B sound, has captivated audiences all over the world. Following the release of “WMYT,” Y’akoto made her first GQ appearance with advice for people in toxic relationships. 


Starting her advice with some empowering quotes, Y’akoto said, “You are here by design. You have a calling and a purpose. You matter to the universe.” She further encouraged her audience to trust in their strengths and capabilities. “Preserve yourself and accept that you have the power to transform any situation you find yourself in. No one will come and save you. You have to do this for yourself. Believe in your power and worth. You deserve to be content, confident, and adored.” 


She ended her statement with, “No other living, breathing being should be able to manipulate you into thinking you cannot find something better. You always will!” 

Y’akoto’s advice comes from her experiences as a child and an adult. Growing up, she witnessed her father being violent towards her mother and is aware of the impact of the abuse on her family. Additionally, Y’akoto has found herself in a toxic relationship. She recalls mustering the courage to end it after listening to Beyonce’s “Hold Up.” 


The songstress created “WMYT” to remind people in toxic relationships that there is always hope, strength, and the potential for a better tomorrow. By sharing her story, Y’akoto encourages individuals to confront the reality of their situations and seek a way out. 

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